2020 CSCL Annual Convention Postponed

Attention CSCL Members.

Due to the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) the CSCL Executive have made the decision to postpone the 2020 Annual till the fall. Once we know what is happening with the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) we will set a new date for the event.

Please remember to get your membership paid for 2020-2021.

This year the Executive will be changing, if you would like to be on the Executive please let us know.

Canadian Leathercraft – Summer-Fall 2019 – Quarterly Newsletter by CSCL

The Canadian Society for Creative Leathercraft


Volume LXVII No. 4
Volume LXVIII No. 1
Summer-Fall 2019

In this Edition…

Page 2  Notes from the Editor, Highlights of the past Executive Mtgs, Membership Info, CSCL Larmour Library
Page 3 CSCL Library Review Quiz
Page 4 – A Summer Study of Acorns
Page 5 – From The Vault
Page 6 – Baseball Glove Pattern

Website: www.canadianleathercraft.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CanadianLeathercraft/

President: Lauch Harrison 
1st Vice-Pres.:  Jim Wilkes 
Past President: Jim Wilkes
Treasurer: Della Chynoweth 
Secretary: Richard Borrow
Membership: Kim Winchester
Editor: Barbara Chynoweth 
ECO: (Electronic Communications Officer) Eugene Pik
Privacy Officer: Lauch Harrison 
Workshops: Lauch Harrison, Jim Wilkes

Note from the Editor….

The Norland Branch had the pleasure of Lauch Harrison and Lester Pinter to do a workshop in October on sharpening tools and boy did they ever go to town on them. In the afternoon they had some instruction on braiding. Everyone enjoyed the workshop.

The Quarterly Newsletter “Canadian Leathercraft” is your source of information about CSCL and its members. Also check out the CSCL website at www.canadianleathercraft.org and CSCL’s Facebook page.

Highlights from the Past Executive Council Meetings….

This has been a quiet year. The Workshop Team are working on setting up some interesting Workshops for 2020. Do to the weather we have had most of our Executive Meetings via Skype. In 2020 it will be our 70th Anniversary and we are looking forward to some interesting happenings at our Annual Meeting.

Read more: Canadian Leathercrafter – Summer-Fall 2019

Canadian Leathercraft – Spring 2019 – Quarterly Newsletter by CSCL

The Canadian Society for Creative Leathercraft


Volume LXVII No. 3
Spring 2019

Download as PDF: Canadian Leathercrafter – Spring 2019

In this Edition… 

Page 2  Notes from the Editor,
Highlights of the past Executive Mtgs, Membership Info, CSCL Larmour
Library  Page 3 – 9  The 69th CSCL Annual

To contact any of our Executive please refer to the CONTACT section of our Website.

Website:  www.canadianleathercraft.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CanadianLeathercraft/

President: Lauch Harrison 
1st Vice-Pres.:  Jim Wilkes 
Past President: Jim Wilkes
Treasurer: Della Chynoweth 
Secretary: Richard Borrow
Membership: Kim Winchester
Editor: Barbara Chynoweth 
ECO: (Electronic Communications Officer) Eugene Pik
Privacy Officer: Lauch Harrison 
Workshops: Lauch Harrison, Jim Wilkes

Note from the Editor….
The Annual Convention is coming up and this year the theme is Western and the Norland Branch is looking forward to welcome you to an enjoyable weekend.
This edition I am covering a review of measurements and information on the swivel knife. I hope that you find new information in the articles and pictures.

The Quarterly Newsletter “Canadian Leathercraft” is your source of information about CSCL and its members. Also check out the CSCL website at www.canadianleathercraft.org and CSCL’s Facebook page. 

Highlights from the Past Executive Council Meetings….
Welcome to the world of Skype, the Executive have been holding most of their monthly meetings via Skype this year which means that we do not have to travel any further than our PC to be able to communicate with each other. Plans have been under way for the 69th Annual Convention which Norland Branch is hosting. The Workshop Committee is always looking for suggestions for workshops on things that you would like to learn. Please send in your suggestions.

Read more: Canadian Leathercrafter – Spring 2019

Canadian Leathercraft – Winter 2018-2019 – Quarterly Newsletter by CSCL

The Canadian Society for Creative Leathercraft


Volume LXVII No. 2

Winter 2018 – 2019

Download as PDF: Canadian Leathercrafter – Winter 2018-2019

Page 2 Notes from the Editor, Highlights of the past Executive Mtgs, Membership Info, CSCL Larmour Library
Page 3 Your Glove Size
Page 5 Things to Know About Making A Belt
Page 6 – Parts of a Cow Hide
Page 7 The Swivel Knife

To contact any of our Executive please refer to the CONTACT section of our Website.

Website:  www.canadianleathercraft.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CanadianLeathercraft/

Read more: Canadian Leathercrafter – Winter 2018-2019.pdf

CSCL 69th Annual Convention – registration, schedule, workshops, awards, hotel info

PDF invitation: CSCL-Registration-and-Program-for-2019-annual-event.pdf

The Norland Leathercraft Society would like to invite you to the 69th Annual Convention Weekend for The Canadian Society for Creative Leathercraft May 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2019. The weekend Theme is Western so dress accordingly. Get your best hat and boots packed for a fun filled weekend.

The Convention will be held at the Howard Johnson hotel 354 Lindsay Street South On Hwy 35B (right hand side coming north) just North of Hwy 7 intersection, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4R4 Tel: 705-324-0314 or 1-800-917-3600

Rates per night are: $106 for 2 double beds, $116 for 2 queen size beds, $126 for 1 king bed, $144 for King Suite plus applicable taxes. 3 or more people per room is an additional $5 per person per day. Continental Breakfast included. Please book your rooms as soon as possible. Please indicate that you are a Canadian Society for Creative Leathercraft Member when booking as a block of rooms are being held near the meeting rooms.

Ribbons and Awards Craftsman Ribbons – for outstanding craftsmanship, creativity and imagination Salon Ribbons – for their unique, original or outstanding idea or work Irva Ford Memorial Award – for molded work sponsored by Hamilton Branch Prizes $50 Robert Muma Memorial Award – for tooling or colour work Prizes $50 Best in Show – selected by Fellows Prizes $50 Best General Member Piece Prizes $50 Best Branch Display Prizes $50 Workshop Award sponsored by Toronto Branch Al Foss fund Prizes $50 The Betty Heacock Award best piece by a new or novice member from Betty Heacock Fund Prizes $50 Weston Trophy – trophy presented to winning branch Ontario Craft Council Award – a one-year membership to the Ontario Crafts Council London Jewellery Award sponsored by London Members-At-Large Prizes $20 . Best Hard Sculpture Item sponsored by Mississauga Branch Prizes $20 Woodstock Heritage Award from funds of the former Woodstock Branch Prizes $50 Belt Buckle – Mississauga trophy

Schedule: Friday May 3 rd Check in after 3 p.m. – dinner on your own Branch’s set up their tables 4:00 to 8:00 pm Registration 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. 7 p.m. Workshop – Making a Hat Band. Instructor Richard Borrow Needed: scissors, soft tape measure, needles, hat to put the band around. If people are quick with a simple three strand braid, then they may want to braid two and spot stitch two together to make a wider band. Meet and Greet 8 p.m. to ? The Display Hall will be closed from the time the Judges start judging until 8:00 am Saturday.

Saturday May 4th Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Registration 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Annual Meeting 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 Demonstration – Saddle Construction 10:30 am to 12:00 Lunch 12 to 1:00 p.m. on premises Draw Ticket Sales 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Workshop – How to Antique Patina an Embossed Wallet back material cost $10.00 – 1:00 to 2:45 p.m. Coffee Break 2:45 to 3:00 p.m. Workshop – Bike Belt Bag – Please bring your lacing stitch punches, hammer, pound-o board and saddle stitching needles – 3:00 – 4:30 Draws 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Visitors to View Displays 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Banquet 6:30 pm. with Bar Draws during Dinner – President Draws Ribbons and Awards Presentation Entertainment

Sunday May 5th Breakfast 8:30 Workshops – 9 a.m. to 12:00 noon You can make a head knife cover – bring you head knife– material cost $12.00 OR learn how to braid a bolo tie material cost $12.00 bring lace cutters, harness stitching tools (prickers, overstitchers, awls, dividers, clamps etc.). Take down Table Displays Fellow,

Associate and Weston Trophy Judging: All Fellow, Associate and Weston Trophy pieces must be mailed or delivered to Tundra Leather, Attn: Sean Dalgetty, 313 King Street East, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 1C1. All items must arrive by close of business at 5:00 p.m. Saturday, April 27th, 2019. If sending by courier it is recommended that they arrive by Friday April 26th.

Annual Dues: Your Annual CSCL Dues are payable by April 1 st , 2019. If you are joining through a branch pay your membership to the Branch Treasurer. if you are joining as a Member-at-Large or Sustaining Member send your membership payment to the CSCL Treasurer: Della Chynoweth, 3350 Monck Road, Norland, Ontario K0M 2L0 or e-Transfer your membership to [email protected]

Non-Members: Husbands, wives and/or adult children are welcome to attend the Annual Meeting and/or demonstrations on payment of registration fee but will not have voting power. They may attend the banquet only upon payment of the banquet fee but without payment of the registration fee.

The Old Coral Draw Table: Don’t forget to bring your donation(s) for the Old Coral draw table, please ensure that they are Leathercraft related.

Registration for the Convention: Registration Fee $45.00 per General Members $20.00 per Student $65 per non member. Breaks and Lunch $30.00 per person. Saturday Banquet $45.00 per person. Please advise if any food allergies. Send Registration Form and fees to: Della Chynoweth 3350 Monck Road, Norland, Ont K0M 2L0 Make cheque payable to “The Canadian Society for Creative Leathercraft” OR Pay with Interac e-Transfer and email to [email protected] and supply the information above.

PDF invitation: CSCL-Registration-and-Program-for-2019-annual-event.pdf